Over 175 Riders have ‘Graduated’ – here are some of their stories
Our number of Ride To Work “graduates” (people who keep their job and find their own way to work) continues to grow. Over 175 riders have now graduated!!!! Some are able to purchase a car or a moped, others found a carpool, some moved close enough to walk to work, still others rode with us until […]
2024 Was a Busy Year for Ride To Work
2024 was a very busy year. Ride To Work provided over 2,800 rides to help 63 local riders get/keep their job. We provided over 900 rides in the last quarter, making it the busiest quarter since Ride To Work started operations in 2017! Ride To Work is a local non-profit that provides low cost temporary […]
Ride To Work Coaches are a key to a rider’s success
Ride To Work assigns a volunteer coach to each rider. Men coach men and women coach women. Our coaches are wonderful, giving people. Coaches frequently make all the difference in a rider’s success by helping them learn to budget and save, by helping them work their way through problems that seemed insurmountable, and just overall […]
Donate your car to Ride To Work
Your donated car can help someone get to work! Ride To Work Ministry Nonprofit Inc. is working to empower deserving individuals who want to work but need transportation to obtain or keep a job. To donate a car or for more information call 864-903-5493 or use this contact page. Has your car taken good care of you […]
RTW Ministry Needs Church Partners to Help Bring God to Our Riders
Ride To Work Ministry was created to provide temporary low cost rides to/from work for residents of Oconee County so they can transition to stable employment. We’d like to partner with local churches to provide a network of support from loving Christians who will ‘accompany the rider’ on their journey to self-sufficiency. Background: We estimate […]